With the programme of 170 hours training completed, the successful student is awarded the Myo-Energetics certificate, which allows the holder to obtain recognised professional insurance.


Article 1: Aim of Myo-Energetics

The main objective of Myo-Energetics treatment is the relaxing of dorsal muscular tension; this first corrects any deviation of the spine and/or pelvis, then any deviation of the skull and finally corrects any problems with limb joints. This treatment is effective in healing most bodily complaints.

Article 2: Certification

The M.E.A. is the certifying organisation that federates Myo-Energetics practitioners in their offices, in their schools and in their associations.

Article 3: Spread of Myo-Energetics

The M.E.A. is devoted to the development of Myo-Energetics through activities such as drafting, editing and distributing articles, establishing and maintaining the Myo-Energetics website and the organisation and support of conferences on the theme of Myo-Energetics.


Since 12 March 2007
President: Hiroshi IWAOKA
Secretary and Treasurer: Kikuno IWAOKA
Honorary Member: Dr. André BARETY